****Holders of vIDIA will get Rewards from the fees paid when other holders unvest their vIDIA in 2 different scenarios.

Below we will explain:

Rewards Sources

First Source - Priority Unvesting

vIDIA Holders that don’t want to wait the 2 weeks period to unvest the vIDIA can request priority (immediate) unvesting. This action will cost 20% fees of the total vIDIA being unvested.

Second Source - Canceling Unvesting

If holders already have vIDIA being unvested but want to cancel their unvesting request, then they will have to pay 2% fees of the total vIDIA being unvested.

<aside> 💡 Note

Regular unvesting (2 weeks unvesting) is free & won’t incur any fees.

Fees are only paid for Priority unvesting or for canceling unvesting.


Rewards Distribution

The fees from both Priority unvesting and/or canceling unvesting will be distributed to all vIDIA Holders according to their vIDIA holdings in a prorated manner (divided proportionally according to your vIDIA vs all vIDIA).

Using Priority unvesting (20% fee), let’s see 2 Use Cases to further explain the point above:

<aside> 💰 Use Case 1

Let’s say we have 3 vIDIA Holders:

If Holder C unvested all of his 100 vIDIA using Priority unvest, 20% of it (20 IDIA) will be deducted and distributed to the other Holders while the remaining 80 IDIA will be returned to Holder C's wallet.

The Rewards will be calculated as follows: In this case, as 2 other holders are holding the same amount of 100 vIDIA, so the 20 IDIA Rewards will be divided equally:

Holder C will not get the Rewards because the Rewards came from Holder C


<aside> 💰 Use Case 2

Let’s say we have 3 holders for vIDIA.

If, as in Use Case 1, Holder C unvested all of his 100 vIDIA using Priority unvest, 20% of it (20 IDIA) will be deducted and distributed to the other holders while the remaining 80 IDIA will be returned to holder C's wallet.

The reward will be calculated as follows:

In this case, the 2 other holders are holding different amounts:

Therefore, the 20 IDIA Rewards will be divided accordingly, in a prorated/proportional manner:

Rewards Claim